ملمع الشفاه المغذي الفاخر ومصل الزيت
Vegan, Cruelty-Free, Free of Gluten, Alcohol, Parabes, and Latex.
ما هذا:
انغمسي في شفاه ناعمة ولينة لا تقاوم مع ملمع الشفاه والزيت الفاخر المغذي. مصنوع من مكونات طبيعية مثل العسل وزبدة الشيا وزيت اللوز وحمض الهيالورونيك، هذا المصل الزيتي خفيف الوزن يغذي ويرطب للحصول على تجربة فاخرة للعناية بالشفاه. قم بترقية روتينك واستمتع بشفاه جميلة ومغذية.
صيغتان: مصل الزبدة اللامع ومصل زيت العسل والحليب
نكهة جيدة، لا عطر، لا بارابين
أبرز المكونات:
زبدة الشيا، حمض الهيالورونيك، خلاصة العسل، خلاصة الحليب، زيت الأفوكادو، زيت اللوز
Complete Ingredient
Private Label Options
Sample Guide
Samples can be purchased directly online, there is with our logo by default. You can order the sampler kit at HERE.
If you require specific packaging, shades, or logo printing for samples, please get in touch with us for support and a quote.

ملمع الشفاه المغذي الفاخر ومصل الزيت
Logo Prints On The Product Packaging
Get a professional look for your packaging with our high-quality silk screening printing, colorful UV printing, stamping in gold or silver, laser logo, and more.
Order a sample to check the quality before we print your design.
Laboratory Formula Customization | MOQ from 1000-5000+ Each Shade
You can customize your brand's formulas with unique colors, textures, finishes, scents, and ingredients.

Choose from our catalog of mature formulations already in use by 3000+ brand which are proved to favourite formulas, or create your own based on what your brand seeks to accomplish.

Our in-house R&D team and testing facilities help you create and test your custom formulations before going into production, ensuring complete transparency into our research and test reports.

Our in-house team of graphic designers and our product managers collaborate with you to design and create packaging that’s unique, practical and capture’s your brand’s story and voice.
Launch Your Brand Today
Get in touch with our team today to get more information, order your SAMPLE KITS, and start the process of launching your brand.