Ensemble de pinceaux de maquillage pour les yeux, les sourcils et les lèvres en vrais cheveux


Qu'est-ce que c'est:

Obtenir le look parfait à chaque fois que vous vous maquillez est essentiel, et cet ensemble de pinceaux de maquillage professionnels pour les yeux, les sourcils et les lèvres a tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Avec 9 outils de haute qualité, dont 7 pinceaux pour les yeux précis pour le fard à paupières et 1 pour les sourcils et 1 pour les lèvres, ce kit rehaussera votre routine de maquillage.

Plus besoin de tâtonner ou de confusion entre les pinceaux. Chaque pinceau effectue une gamme spécifique de tâches afin que vous ne sachiez pas quel pinceau utiliser pour certains effets souhaités.



Choose from our catalog of mature formulations already in use by 3000+ brand which are proved to favourite formulas, or create your own based on what your brand seeks to accomplish.


Our in-house R&D team and testing facilities help you create and test your custom formulations before going into production, ensuring complete transparency into our research and test reports.


Our in-house team of graphic designers and our product managers collaborate with you to design and create packaging that’s unique, practical and capture’s your brand’s story and voice.

Get Started with SindeBella Beauty!

Let SindeBella Beauty be your partner in creating your dream brand. With a wide range of high quality cosmetics, accessories, SindeBella Beauty offers the best private label experience in the industry. We recommend you order samples to test our products, formulas and shades to create your dream cosmetics line. Once you see, feel and experience the exceptional quality of our products, come back and place your private label order!

Together, we make sure that your business reaches its full potential.

meet the founder

Launch Your Brand Today

Get in touch with our team today to get more information, order your SAMPLE KITS, and start the process of launching your brand.

Learn about the plan including services before you select it.